2010年12月3日 星期五




2010年11月27日 星期六

為自己喝采 我的做事宣言

心情不好的時候 怎麼想都會有不愉快的想法在心中起化學變化。

長大 發現自己的紳士風度 慢慢消萎
長大 發覺想法越來越受限 悄悄改變

有時候 很激進 有時候 詭譎
有時候 奇特 還是連莫名的點子自己都不知道 要身處何地

有種茫 慌張 有種心態 發覺夢想 自己解決
長月大 發現自己的嘴巴

發現很多的秘密是虛構的 沒有什麼是對的 錯的一方也可以加以辯駁
只能說大家各行其是 就是這般的無理取鬧 努力靠自己或許最好

讀書人就是這樣厲害 知識的力量無遠佛屆 可以很得體可以很不得體
有一種有使命的自信美 就可以在國際上 載浮載沉

有得時候要聽歌就聽最好的 阿扁或是王力宏之歌 才能與之抗衡當為習武知人的好女子
姑娘 可是有來頭的 可別小看我囉!關係有時是一時的 情勢有時是可以扭轉的
我期許用自信與樂群來打動人 這是我的始終 我不和別人攀關係 我只和好友同聚同樂聊是非
我跟我熟的人有來往 不因為自私而有所改變 我有好的朋友 我的朋友一定是我喜歡的人

我有選擇的權利 我能成為整樣的人就看我的朋友 看視野可以在必要時掌握全局 大聲的作一個好人
順應情時和潮流 大公無私 喜歡自己 喜歡作一個完整的自己

告自己面粒自己 靠自己愈新的鋪成自己 媽媽是公家機關的人 所以我可以拖延載拖延
但是拖延之外還是要有好的結果出來 自家門前還是要好好的管理好時間分配

用心去體會 只要能判斷對與錯 有了這麼多的經驗 面對一切應該不是難事

還是用羅伯特的那招 釋放才可以得到解脫
還有一定要用心讀書 然後再應有時間內完成責任

或許很多事沒有必要盡善盡美 我人寫我口 人沒有辦法通才

所以我是真槍實彈的表達自己的想法 有什麼不好

聽課就用心去聽 報告就盡量寫到最好就好

我想我是成了瘋狗 見誰就想咬 可不可以有個正規的書給我唸!
我想我從小讀的就是衙門書 等到出國看看體會一番
翅膀才又長硬 不再讀死書


很難禪的事 我會怪到我頭上 如此一來 我有發言權利
個性不合是:世界的口 還是藉狗 我不懂 因為藉口就是藉狗!
放狗咬人 是多麼可怕的事

我不會據理力爭 我不會忘自菲薄 我只是不想成為眾人焦點 虛心作人
(賴皮撒嬌的好人可能就是我但是我從今天起 會作一個絕對的女警 成為一個外圓內方的舉球員)
或許那會是優秀的象徵 那會是從小的實力培養的呈現 但是我相信人各有志 每個人都有不一樣的路

水仙花都可以在沒有人發現的時候 從蒜苗開花 花開沒人見的時候
還是要聽懂別人的話 也不能作賤自己 一為我深信
最好的自己 會是一個連自己照鏡子也別人看的自己 如果我還是一位國際人士的話

絕對的藝術家 非但不可以只相信直覺的禮貌和理性(幸好我有習武過)

對文字的敏感也是很好的 傻傻的嗯阿喔的 這是你根本沒有聽懂!remember that 'cause I'm just a student so I don't have to act like a teacher. Just do what people tell me to do and then believe what I trust what's right. Then you face your own problem with trust, which is a strong power/ learning skill inside you.

This would be the only testing phrase when I face to different people.
(are you kidding me?)
As long as there's a mission, it would be easy to make good friends.

You need to trust who/what are your true friends...that's all.
Knowing the condition and focus on one thing only.

(don't talk to the people you don't really know and then be simple and clean.)
As long as you have a lot of good experiences to conveince your teacher, there must be a way...When people try to ask you something, be someone you don't really understand...

Being like a silly people, maydo me good. Knowledge is really power. When you want to have difference experience, remember what position you're standing...remember what position you're standing...(I don't want to be polite anymore just because of my mom...*sigh*)

I can be someone different, because I take the opposite side and then become a better person. This is what you're learning everyday. Cherish and take good care of your health. (I'm stocked)

聯合國之下的光輝 這個應埋我不願投入
建國市面的人就不怕事 可以隨便聊聊 可以靜下心來作自己的事

可能要成為老實人禍是發言人的話 我不會亂講話
我不讓他難堪 我可以李登輝聯合國的口吻來發言
我想我也不是病 只是人老實踏實 專心成為學生來享受現

我喜歡作漂亮(欺騙豬哥亮)不喜歡美麗 美的定義太廣非常迷茫
我根本就是個流亡政府 央發實在太濺我以後不要載他)

真的假的我不知道 我的時間很多 時間就是金錢
輕村很多 我要好好年輸因為往會絕對市政加的棟樑

這是百變不便的道理 很奇怪的事怎麼樣我還試紙能寫一篇狗屁不通得文據

我是警察 他是小偷
天下只要你是看見自己的天才 那你的潛力無窮 你的熱力無限
要活的精彩就是得靠自己的創意 否則入戲太深 而且病得更深!

love the way you lie and live the way you are...expand and limit limit limit yourself.

2010年9月16日 星期四


奇怪的一天,這兩天簡直就是亂睡一通,可能是聽完王力宏的歌會過度陶醉,像是今天睡到下午快一點。兩位室友都覺得我這個情況有點異常,尤其我已前都是最早起的。今天似乎也沒做什麼,上完多媒體課到學校走了一遭,到西子灣和海堤看海吹風,心情好很多。莫名的我竟然又不禁意的寫一封信給麥可,還做了些只是感到世俗的事,例如打電話約人出來吃飯,跟廈門大學的學生搞很熟、偷看哪些交換生很帥、偷偷累積自己的權力,來有找到自己的快樂,只覺得要是沒有圖書館就要死掉一樣,我簡直沒辦法忍受沒有寧靜的生活。可能是每天固定的行程就是這樣, 該作的事就是得作。我竟然還在通識加簽時看到DAVID (MIKE的前ROMMATES)


2010年6月17日 星期四

Latest Journals

I was quite fun to shop around with sister today. We went to Sogo and Yuanbai together. It's just nice to see new things and find out what I like, such as trying on some clothes and stuff. We then went to a noodle shop for some crispy 斤餅 and a plain beef noodle soup. Watching the world cup is so exciting. Just finished a game, Hondorus vs. Chile. Good game and the score was 1-0. Chile won. Thought the commentators were quite funny and that I've learned some strategies of professional soccer. I miss my teammates and the soccer life in Vic a lot.
I went to the library today and realized a lot of happiness comes from reading books and sharing ideas. Well I should keep up with what I'm doing everyday. Cheer up!!
It feels really good after the face massage and the mask is really cold and comfortable (冷療是花苞組). Well my whole body feels relaxing after the lady massage my sholders and my neck. Oh so good. I hope my face gets better soon.

2010年6月13日 星期日

I'm praying...

Sigh~I seriously hope that I can graduate on time.
But I'm afraid that my senior classes will conflict!!

God please! Now I'm seriously praying hard...
Please help me out and that I would really work hard and smart~


2010年6月12日 星期六

Exercising and relaxing. That's how you enhance your life.

-I had a great day after seeing all my friends. Especially because of my nsysu club members are discussing about how nice it is to see me back on facebook. That's really nice. So everyone likes to be cared and loved. We have to learn to care about others and know how important love is. The emphasis of love in the live is reflected after seeing Michelle's blog. She read a lot of books since she has already gotten accepted in NSYSU. Hm...she said Mitch Albom's books are really good. I feel that too.
-I got a lot of memory back today. Sister was practicing driving Sabb, the car.
We voted for our village candidate (my first time voting) and we went to Nanliau...hm that I remember some old good days when we played out in Nanliau.
-Then I would say today is my first time feel like burning calories after I got back from Cananda. Sister and I went to the elementary school for a run and played basketball.
-Can't forget about the way I think in English. I feel that I can switch the language easily.
-I have notice that I use the correct English. Don't use the Chinese grammar.

2010年6月7日 星期一

I feel like whining

Sometimes, knowing too much things is a bad thing. I would rather like a simple and easy life. Need to focus and concentrate on my works!!

Get back into A good me!! (what am I talking about!?)

2010年6月6日 星期日


安分過生活 不用想太多

I miss Uvic

Oh how I miss the life that you don't even have to think of how to go to school. You can just get on the bus 7,11, and 15 then swipe your card. (all the bus schedule is all listed on the post)
I guess my goal for now is to graduate on time. Just saw the graduation picture from my god mother's blog. I've imagined that I would have graduate successfully.